CONTENTS OF A RESEARCH REPORT The information in the first part of this section, Journal Articles, Books, Chapters in Books, Peer Reviewed Published Conference Proceedings, Non-peer Reviewed Published Conference Proceedings is filtered and extracted to f > 자유게시판

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CONTENTS OF A RESEARCH REPORT The information in the first part of th…

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작성자 Hildred 댓글 0건 조회 28회 작성일 25-02-16 06:24



The information in the first part of this section, Journal Articles, Books, Chapters in Books, Peer Reviewed Published Conference Proceedings, Non-peer Reviewed Published Conference Proceedings is filtered and extracted to formulate the Preliminary Publication Count for the Department of Education. This is a crucial step in the subsidy calculation process and it is of the utmost importance that this information must be as comprehensive accurate as possible. All research publications, which appeared in 2004, must be included, even if they are "in press". There will be an opportunity early in February to submit volume and page numbers of papers, which have appeared in the interim. Publications should be listed using the Harvard referencing system, without using italics or bold. Journal names must appear in full. Abbreviations will be returned to departments for expansion. (Theses passed for higher degrees are subsidy earning but this information is not included in the Preliminary Publication Count.)

The second part of this section, Published Conference Abstracts, Patents, Theses & Dissertations passed for Higher Degrees, University Publications & Publications of a Popular Nature - Unrefereed Journal Articles, Newspaper Articles, CD's, Online Works, Extension and Development Work, Creative Work, Consultancy and Other Activities based on Expertise Developed in Research (gives departments the opportunity to demonstrate the extent and nature of their extension and development work), Motivation for the addition of a South African Journal to the list of South African approved journals. The work included here is not subsidy earning but nevertheless is an important aspect of scholarly activity at UCT.

JOURNAL ARTICLES This category covers all articles in journals. Articles fall into 2 categories - those for which the university earns subsidy and are published in 'approved' journals; and those for which the university does not get a subsidy. Please ensure that journal names appear in full and points below are clearly stated when submitting.

1. Surnames & initials of authors 3. Title of article 5. Volume number 7. Page numbers of article 2. Year 4. Journal name 6. Issue number BOOKS This section must include ALL books, scholarly peer-reviewed, textbooks, novels, coffee-table books, etc produced by UCT researchers. It should also include edited Conference Proceedings produced in a book format where a UCT staff member or researcher is the editor or part of the editorial panel. Details of year of publication, editor/s, publisher, place, total number of pages of books must be provided.

1. Surnames & initials of authors 4. Target group/audience of book (only for subsidy-earning books 7. ISBN number (only for subsidy-earning books) 2. Year 5. If 2nd/3rd etc. edition, provide page numbers of new sections (only for subsidy-earning books) 8. Page numbers of book 3. Title of Chapter 6. Evidence of peer review (statement from publisher on peer review policy) (only for subsidy- earning books) 9. Place of publication and publisher CHAPTERS IN BOOKS This section should include bona fide chapters in books only and not conference papers published in Proceedings. Details of year of publication. Editor/s, publisher, คิดไปเรื่อย place, first to last page numbers of the chapter must be provided.

1. Surnames & initials of authors 4. Target group/audience of book (only for subsidy-earning books 7. ISBN number (only for subsidy-earning books) 2. Year 5. If 2nd/3rd etc. edition, provide page numbers of new sections (only for subsidy-earning books 8. Page numbers of chapter 3. Title of Chapter 6. Evidence of peer review (statement from publisher on peer review policy) (only for subsidy- earning books) 9. Place of publication and publisher PEER REVIEWED PUBLISHED CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS

This should include all papers published in Conference Proceedings, which are substantial refereed publications, which will be the final and only publications of that material. This does not include published abstracts. Peer-reviewed published conference proceedings count for subsidy purposes and there must be evidence of the peer-review procedure. Please note that unpublished conference proceedings are not included.

1. Surnames & initials of authors 4. Title of conference 6. Page numbers 2. Year 5. Evidence of peer review 7. ISBN number 3. Title of paper 6. Place of conference NON-PEER REVIEWEDPUBLISHED CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGSThis section includes published proceedings that have not been submitted to a strict peer-review process, and as such, are not subsidy-earning but are included in the annual research report.

PUBLISHED CONFERENCE ABSTRACTS This section should include abstracts of papers published in the formal scientific literature only. However, authoritative works such as plenary, honorific and invited keynote addresses/papers given at conferences may also be included.


These must be final registered patents, and not provisional patents. They do count for subsidy-earning purposes.

THESES AND DISSERTATIONS PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREES This section should include all master's dissertations and doctoral theses passed in 2004. Please note the technical distinction between them. A doctoral thesis is required to be a defense of original research, whereas a master's dissertation could be original research or a review of others' work. Please provide full-page numbers.

UNIVERSITY PUBLICATIONS AND WORKS OF A POPULAR NATURE This section should include all non-peer-reviewed publications, UCT publications, educational CD ROMS, etc that have a scholarly nature and are associated with the research enterprise. Newspaper articles are included here.





This section gives researchers the opportunity to report briefly on their unpublished extension and development work. It should include only completed work, and not reports or drafts intended for publication as formal papers at a later date. Each item should include some indication of its recipient or ultimate location. What should be included must be documents; CD-ROMs, etc. should be listed.


This section includes original musical, dramatic and other artistic works, or new productions of existing works. Each item can include a very brief note about its significance. The "creation" of course notes, academic programme plans, technical devices etc. does not qualify.


This section should include short descriptions of the nature of the activity and the output. Please keep this brief. Please refer to the 2001, 2002 or 2003 Research Reports as a guide.

Vyom Singh
MBA (Information System Management)
website of Research Report?


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